Waldemar is graduated in Chemistry (UNLP, 2007) and he also performed his PhD in Chemistry (UNLP, 2011). He worked with Dr. Daniel Murgida at the Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Raman Spectroscopy (2011-2013, INQUIMAE, UBA) and since 2013 he is CONICET staff researcher at the Soft Matter Laboratory at INIFTA.

He is devoted to physicochemical aspects of electrochemical processes. He made his PhD on electrochemistry of conducting polymers, studying both theoretical and experimental aspects of electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical techniques. He also worked on protein electrochemistry and construction of biomimetic assemblies and Raman spectroscopy (RR, SERS, SERRS, TR-SERRS). Currently, he is working on the construction and characterization of electroactive soft matter assemblies employing different complementary characterization techniques, such as E-QCM, SPR, and Raman Spectroscopy.

Research interest

  • Electrochemistry and Bioelectrochemistry of Soft Matter Assemblies

  • Polyamine Supramolecular Assemblies

  • Electroactive and Conducting Polymers

Selected publications

  1. “Amine-appended polyaniline as a water dispersible electroactive polyelectrolyte and its integration into functional self-assembled films”  Waldemar A. Marmisollé,* Eliana Maza, Sergio Moya, Omar Azzaroni, Electrochim. Acta 210 (2016) 435-444.

2. “Recent Developments in the Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Polyaniline and Carbon Nanomaterials for Energy Storage and Sensing Applications. From Synthetic Aspects to Structural and Functional Characterization” (Feature Article) Waldemar A. Marmisollé,* Omar Azzaroni,*  Nanoscale 8 (2016) 9890-9918.

3. “Supramolecular surface chemistry: Substrate-independent, phosphate-driven growth of polyamine-based multifunctional thin films” Waldemar A. Marmisollé, Joseba Irigoyen, Danijela Gregurec, Sergio Moya, Omar Azzaroni*, Advanced Functional Materials 25 (2015) 4144-4152.

4. “Specific Methionine Oxidation of Cytochrome c in Complexes with Zwitterionic Lipids by Hydrogen Peroxide: Potential Implications for Apoptosis” Daiana A. Capdevila,# Waldemar A. Marmisollé,# Florencia Tomasina, Verónica Demicheli, Magdalena Portela, Rafael Radi, Daniel H. Murgida.* Chemical Science 6 (2015) 705-719.

 5. “Self-Assembled Monolayers of NH2-Terminated Thiolates: Order, pKa, and Specific Adsorption” Waldemar A. Marmisollé, Daiana A. Capdevila, Ezequiel de la Llave, Federico J. Williams, and Daniel H. Murgida*, Langmuir 29 (2013) 5351-5359.

6. “The Coupling among Electron Transfer, Deformation, Screening and Binding in Electrochemically Active Macromolecules” Waldemar A. Marmisollé, M. Inés Florit, Dionisio Posadas*.Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12 (2010) 7536 -7544.