Materials Nanoarchitectonics: From Integrated Molecular Systems to Advanced Devices. Katsuhiko Ariga & Omar Azzaroni (Elsevier, Oxford, 2023)
Insight into the transport of ions from salts of moderated solubility through nanochannels: negative incremental resistance assisted by geometry. G: Laucirica, L.M. Hernandez Parra, A.L. Huamani, M.F.P. Wagner, A. Albesa, M.E. Toimil-Molares, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni. Nanoscale 16 (2024) 12599 – 12610.
Noninvasive and Multiplex Self-Test of Kidney Disease Biomarkers with Graphene-Based Lab-on-a-Chip (G-LOC): Toward Digital Diagnostics in the Hands of Patients. J.F. Diforti, T. Cunningham, E. Piccinini, W.A. Marmisollé, J.M. Piccinini, O. Azzaroni. Analytical Chemistry 96 (2024) 5832-5842.
Advances in nanofluidic field-effect transistors: external voltage-controlled solid-state nanochannels for stimulus-responsive ion transport and beyond. G Laucirica, Y Toum-Terrones, VM Cayón, ME Toimil-Molares, O Azzaroni, W.A. Marmisollé. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26 (2024) 10471-10493.
Nanoprecipitation-Enhanced Sensitivity in Enzymatic Nanofluidic Biosensors. AS Peinetti, ML Cortez, ME Toimil-Molares, O Azzaroni. Analytical Chemistry 96 (13), 5282-5288.
Empowering Bioelectronics with Supramolecular Nanoarchitectonics: PEDOT-Based Organic Electrochemical Transistors with Tunable Electronic Properties. J.F. Diforti, E. Piccinini, J.A. Allegretto, C. von Bilderling, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 6 (2024) 1211-1222.
Design, synthesis and characterization of hierarchical porous stacked thin films based on MOFs and ordered mesoporous oxides. M. Arcidiácono, J.A. Allegretto, O. Azzaroni, P.C. Angelomé, M. Rafti. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 12 (2024) 5282-5293.
Ferrocene-labelled surfactants enhance the supercapacitor performance in PANI-PSS/nanocarbon layer-by-layer nanoarchitectonics electrodes. A.P. Mártire, G.E. Fenoy, O. Azzaroni, M. Rafti, W.A. Marmisollé. RSC Applied Interfaces, 1 (2024) 511-521.
Local water management in cotton linter papers with silica-based coatings. J.J. Mikolei, M. Biesalski, M. Ceolin, A. Andrieu-Brunsen. Cellulose 31 (2024) 5855–5868.
3D Printing of Ordered Mesoporous Silica UsingLight-Induced Sol-Gel Chemistry. J. Gluns, L. Zhao, D. Spiehl, J.J. Mikolei, R. Pardehkhorram, M. Ceolin, and A. Andrieu-Brunsen. Adv. Funct. Mater. (2024) 2405511
Lysozyme/tripolyphosphate complex coacervates: Properties, curcumin encapsulation and antibacterial activity. ML Agazzi, MFP Rovey, E Apuzzo, SE Herrera, MB Spesia, MM Oliva, O Azzaroni. Food Hydrocolloids (2023) 145, 109134
Poly (allylamine)-tripolyphosphate Ionic Assemblies as Nanocarriers: Friend or Foe?. E Apuzzo, M Agazzi, SE Herrera, A Picco, G Rizzo, C Chavero, D Bianchi, P Smaldini, ML Cortez, WA Marmisollé, G Padula, A Seoane, ML Alomar, MP Denofrio, G Docena, and O Azzaroni. ACS Appl. Bio Mater. (2023) 6, 11, 4714–4727
Transduction of Amine–Phosphate Supramolecular Interactions and Biosensing of Acetylcholine through PEDOT-Polyamine Organic Electrochemical Transistors. M Montero-Jimenez, J Lugli-Arroyo, GE Fenoy, E Piccinini, W Knoll, WA Marmisollé, O Azzaroni. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2023)
Field-effect transistors engineered via solution-based layer-by-layer nanoarchitectonics. O Azzaroni, E Piccinini, G Fenoy, W Marmisollé, K Ariga. Nanotechnology (2023) 34 (47), 472001.
Phase Behavior and Electrochemical Properties of Highly Asymmetric Redox Coacervates. LL Coria-Oriundo, G Debais, E Apuzzo, SE Herrera, M Ceolín, O Azzaroni, F Battaglini, M Tagliazucchi. J. Phys. Chem. B (2023) 127, 35, 7636–7647
Graphene Field-Effect Transistors: Advanced Bioelectronic Devices for Sensing Applications. O Azzaroni, W Knoll. John Wiley & Sons
Large-pore mesoporous silica: template design, thin film preparation and biomolecule infiltration. S Alberti, S Schmidt, S Hageneder, PC Angelomé, GJAA Soler-lllia, P Vana, J Dostalek, O Azzaroni, W Knoll. Mater. Chem. Front. (2023) 7, 4142-4151
“Supramolecular Nanotechnology: Advanced Design of Self‐Assembled Functional Materials” (3-VOLUME SET) Omar Azzaroni & Martin Conda-Sheridan (eds.) (VCH-Wiley- Weinheim, 2023)
Electrochemically addressed FET-like nanofluidic channels with dynamic ion-transport regimes. Laucirica, Y.T. Terrones, M.F.P. Wagner, V.M. Cayón, M.L. Cortez,M.E. Toimil-Molares, C. Trautmann, W. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni. Nanoscale (2023) 15, 1782-1793.
Interface Engineering of “Clickable” Organic Electrochemical Transistors toward Biosensing Devices. G.E. Fenoy, R. Hasler, C. Lorenz, J. Movilli, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni, J. Huskens, P. Bäuerle, W. Knoll. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2023) 15 (8), 10885-10896
Polyelectrolyte-multivalent molecule complexes: physicochemical properties and applications. Herrera, M.L. Agazzi, E. Apuzzo, M.L. Cortez, W. Marmisollé,M. Tagliazucchi, O. Azzaroni. Soft Matter (2023) 19, 2013-2041
PEDOT-Polyamine-Based Organic Electrochemical Transistors for Monitoring Protein Binding. Montero-Jimenez, F.L. Amante, G.E. Fenoy, J. Scotto, O. Azzaroni, W. Marmisollé. Biosensors (2023) 13 (2), 288
Construction of electroactive polyamine-enzyme assemblies nondependent on the electrical charge. L.L. Coria-Oriundo, M.L. Cortez, S.E. Herrera, O. Azzaroni, F. Battaglini. Synthetic Metals, 294 (2023) 117308
Fluid Flow Control in Cotton Threads with Mesoporous Silica Coatings. J.J. Mikolei, M. Stanzel, R. Pardehkorram, R. Lehn, M. Ceolin, A. Andrieu-Brunsen. Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 10 (2023) 2300211.
Nanoscale pores introduced into paper via mesoporous silica coatings using sol–gel chemistry. J.J. Mikolei, D. Richter, R. Pardehkhorram, C. Helbrecht, S. Schabel, T. Meckel, M. Biesalski, M. Ceolin and A. Andrieu-Brunsen. Nanoscale, 15 (2023) 9094-9105.
“Clickable” Organic Electrochemical Transistors. G.E. Fenoy, R. Hasler, F. Quartinello, W.A. Marmisollé, C. Lorenz, O. Azzaroni, P. Bäuerle, W.Knoll. JACS Au 2 (2022) 2778–2790.
The Effect of Amino–Phosphate Interactions on the Biosensing Performance of Enzymatic Graphene Field-Effect Transistors. G.E. Fenoy, E. Piccinini, W. Knoll, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni. Analytical Chemistry (2022) 94 (40), 13820-13828
Highly sensitive acetylcholine biosensing via chemical amplification of enzymatic processes in nanochannels. Y. Toum Terrones, G. Laucirica, V. Cayón, G.E. Fenoy, M.L. Cortez, M.E. Toimil-Molares, C. Trautmann, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni. Chemical Communications (2022) 58, 10166-10169.
Using Graphene Field-Effect Transistors for Real-Time Monitoring of Dynamic Processes at Sensing Interfaces. Benchmarking Performance against Surface Plasmon Resonance. J. Scotto, A.L. Cantillo, E. Piccinini, G.E. Fenoy, J.A. Allegretto, J.M. Piccinini, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni. ACS Applied Electronic Materials 4 (2022) 3988–3996.
Layer-by-Layer Assembly Monitored by PEDOT-Polyamine-Based Organic Electrochemical Transistors. G.E. Fenoy, J. Scotto, J.A. Allegretto, E. Piccinini, A.L. Cantillo, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni, W.A. Marmisollé. ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. (2022) 4, 12, 5953–5962.
Biofunctionalization of Graphene‐Based FET Sensors through Heterobifunctional Nanoscaffolds: Technology Validation toward Rapid COVID‐19 Diagnostics and Monitoring. E Piccinini, GE Fenoy, AL Cantillo, JA Allegretto, J Scotto, JM Piccinini, W Marmisollé, O Azzaroni. Advanced materials interfaces (2022) 2102526.
Switchable Ion Current Saturation Regimes Enabled via Heterostructured Nanofluidic Devices Based on Metal–Organic Frameworks. Gregorio Laucirica, Juan A. Allegretto, Michael F. Wagner, Maria Eugenia Toimil-Molares, Christina Trautmann, Matías Rafti, Waldemar Marmisollé, Omar Azzaroni. Adv.Mater. (2022) 2207339.
Impact of Chemical Primers on the Growth, Structure, and Functional Properties of ZIF-8 Films. Juan A. Allegretto, Melina Arcidiácono, Paula Y. Steinberg, Paula C. Angelomé, Omar Azzaroni, and Matias Rafti. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2022) 126 (15), 6724-6735. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c10425
Post-synthetic modification and chemical modulation of the ZIF-8 MOF using 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA): a multi-technique study on thermodynamic and kinetic aspects. G.M. Segovia, J.A. Allegretto, J.S. Tuninetti, L.B. Pizarro, A.S. Picco, M. Ceolín, T.U. Lüdtke, E. Bindini, D. Di Silvio, S.E. Moya, O. Azzaroni, M. Rafti. Molecular Systems Design & Engineering (2022)
Synthesis of core-brush fluorescent silica nanoparticles with tunable hydrophilicity by ATRP method. M.L. Vera, J.M. Giussi, A. Canneva, O. Azzaroni, A. Calvo. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (2022) 634, 128011
Highly sensitive urine glucose detection by graphene field-effect transistors functionalized with electropolymerized nanofilms. G.E. Fenoy, W.A. Marmisollé, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni. Sensors & Diagnostics, (2021) DOI: 10.1039/D1SD00007A.
Oxygen On‐Demand: Understanding the Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR) Performance Enhancement of Conductive Polymer Films upon Modification with ZIF‐8 MOF. F.C.D. López, A.I. Bertoni, J.A. Allegretto, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni, M. Rafti, D. Grumelli. ChemCatChem (2022) 14 (24), e202201015
Species Distribution in Bicontinuous Phase Systems for Enhanced Oil Recovery Probed by Single-Sided NMR. M.I. Velasco, A. Iborra, J.M. Giussi, O. Azzaroni, R.H. Acosta. Langmuir (2022) 38 (49), 15226-15233
A Comparative Study of PMETAC-Modified Mesoporous Silica and Titania Thin Films for Molecular Transport Manipulation. Alberti, J. Giussi, O. Azzaroni, G.J.A.A. Soler-Illia. Polymers (2022) 14 (22), 4823.
Core-shell iron oxide@stellate mesoporous silica for combined near-infrared photothermia and drug delivery: Influence of pH and surface chemistry. A. Adam, S. Harlepp, F. Ghilini, G. Cotin, B. Freis, J. Goetz, S. Bégin, M. Tasso, D. Mertz. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, (2022) 640 128407.
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Nanofluidic osmotic power generators–advanced nanoporous membranes and nanochannels for blue energy harvesting. G. Laucirica, M.E. Toimil-Molares, C. Trautmann, W. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni. Chemical Science12 (2021) 12, 874-12910.
Mesoporous thin films onto graphene FETs: nanofiltrated, amplified and extended field-effect sensing. S. Alberti, E. Piccinini, P.G. Ramírez, G.S. Longo, M. Ceolín, O. Azzaroni. Nanoscale (2021) 13, 19098-19108.
Nanoarchitectonics of Metal Organic Frameworks and PEDOT layer-by-layer electrodes for boosting Oxygen Reduction Reaction. G.E. Fenoy, M. Rafti, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni. Materials Advances (2021) DOI: 10.1039/D1MA00747E
Direct detection of human adenovirus and SARS-CoV-2 with ability to inform infectivity using a DNA aptamer-nanopore sensor. A.S. Peinetti, R.J. Lake, W. Cong, L. Cooper, Y. Wu, Y. Ma, G.T. Pawel, M.E. Toimil-Molares, C. Trautmann, L. Rong, B. Mariñas, O. Azzaroni, Y. Lu. Science Advances, (2021) en prensa.
Functionalization Strategies of PEDOT and PEDOT:PSS Films for Organic Bioelectronics Applications. G.E. Fenoy, O. Azzaroni, W. Knoll, W.A. Marmisollé. Chemosensors (2021) 9, 212.
PEDOT-Based Stackable Paper Electrodes for Metal-Free Supercapacitors. L.D. Sappia, B.S. Pascual, O. Azzaroni, W. Marmisollé. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 4 (2021) 9283-9293.
Surface Engineering of Graphene through Heterobifunctional Supramolecular-Covalent Scaffolds for Rapid COVID-19 Biomarker Detection. E. Piccinini, J.A. Allegretto, J. Scotto, A.L. Cantillo, G.E. Fenoy, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, (2021) en prensa.
Biomimetic solid-state nanochannels for chemical and biological sensing applications. G. Laucirica, Y. Toum Terrones, V. Cayón, M.L. Cortez, M.E. Toimil-Molares, C. Trautmann, W. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 144 (2021)116425.
Borate-driven ionic rectifiers based on sugar-bearing single nanochannels. V. Cayón, G. Laucirica, Y.T. Terrones, M.L. Cortez, G. Pérez-Mitta, J Shen, C. Hess, M.E. Toimil-Molares, C. Trautmann, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni. Nanoscale, 13 (2021) 11232-11241.
PEDOT: Tosylate‐Polyamine‐Based Organic Electrochemical Transistors for High‐Performance Bioelectronics. G.E. Fenoy, C. von Bilderling, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni, W.A. Marmisollé. Advanced Electronic Materials, (2021) 2100059.
Enzymes hosted in redox-active ionically cross-linked polyelectrolyte networks enable more efficient biofuel cells. L.L. Coria-Oriundo, M.L. Cortez, O. Azzaroni, F. Battaglini. Soft Matter, 17 (2021) 5240-5247.
Reactivity Ratios and Surface Properties of Confined and Bulk ATRP Copolymerization of Butyl Methacrylate and 2-Hydroxyethyl Acrylate. L León-Boigues, C. von Bilderling, L. Pietrasanta, O. Azzaroni, C Mijangos, J.M. Giussi. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 3 (2021) 640-650.
Dual Monitoring of Surface Reactions in Real Time by Combined Surface-Plasmon Resonance and Field-Effect Transistor Interrogation. P. Aspermair, U. Ramach, C. Reiner-Rozman, S. Fossati, B. Lechner, S.E. Moya, O. Azzaroni, J. Dostalek, S. Szunerits, W. Knoll, J. Bintinger. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142 (2020) 11709-11716.
Polyaniline for improved blue energy harvesting: Highly-rectifying nanofluidic diodes operating in hypersaline conditions via one-step functionalization. G. Laucirica, M.E. Toimil-Molares, C. Trautmann, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (2020) 28148-28157
Mass and charge transport in highly mesostructured polyelectrolyte/electroactive-surfactant multilayer films. E. Piccinini, G.A. González, O. Azzaroni, F. Battaglini. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 581(2020) 595-607.
Mesostructured Electroactive Thin Films Through Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Redox Surfactants and Polyelectrolytes. E. Piccinini, M. Ceolín, F. Battaglini, O. Azzaroni. ChemPlusChem, 85 (2020) 1616-1622.
High-sensitivity detection of dopamine by biomimetic nanofluidic diodes derivatized with poly(3-aminobenzylamine). G. Laucirica, Y. Toum Terrones, V.M. Cayón, M.L. Cortez, M.E. Toimil-Molares, C. Trautmann, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni. Nanoscale, 12 (2020) 18390–18399
Comparison of Arsenate Adsorption from Neutral pH Aqueous Solutions Using Two Different Iron-Trimesate Porous Solids: Kinetics, Equilibrium Isotherms, and Synchrotron X-Ray Absorption Experiments. E. Berardozzi, J.S. Tuninetti, F.S. García Einschlag, O. Azzaroni, M. Ceolín, M. Rafti. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 31 (2020) 1185-1194.
Self-Assembled Mesoporous Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Nanocrystals Bearing Thiol Groups for Separations Technologies. G. Segovia, J. Tuninetti, O. Azzaroni, M. Rafti. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 3 (2020) 11266-11273.
Shelter for Biologically Relevant Molecules: Photoprotection and Enhanced Thermal Stability of Folic Acid Loaded in a ZIF-8 MOF Porous Host. J.S. Tuninetti, M.P. Serrano, A.H. Thomas, O. Azzaroni, M. Rafti. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59 (2020) 22155-22162.
Growth of ZIF‐8 MOF films with tuneable porosity by using Poly(1‐vinylimidazole) brushes as 3D primers. Allegretto, J. A., Iborra, A., Giussi, J. M., von Biderling, C., Ceolín, M., Moya, S., Azzaroni, O. and Rafti, M. Chem. – A Eur. J. 26 (2020) 12388–12396.
Self-assembled peptide dendrigraft supraparticles with potential application in pH/enzyme-triggered multistage drug release, M.L. Agazzi, S.E. Herrera, M.L. Cortez, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 190 (2020) 110895.
Shape matters: Enhanced osmotic energy harvesting in bullet-shaped nanochannels, G. Laucirica, A.G. Albesa, M.E. Toimil-Molares, C. Trautmann, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni, Nano Energy, 71 (2020) 104612.
Flexible conducting platforms based on PEDOT and graphite nanosheets for electrochemical biosensing applications, J. Scotto, E. Piccinini, C. von Bilderling, L.L. Coria-Oriundo, F. Battaglini, W. Knoll, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni, Applied Surface Science, 525 (2020) 146440.
Nanoporous thin films in optical waveguide spectroscopy for chemical analytics, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni, H. Duran, J. Kunze-Liebhäuser, K.H.A. Lau, E. Reimhult, B. Yameen, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 412 (2020) 3299–3315.
Following in Situ the Degradation of Mesoporous Silica in Biorelevant Conditions: At Last, a Good Comprehension of the Structure Influence, E. Bindini, Z. Chehadi, M. Faustini, P.A. Albouy, D. Grosso, A. Cattoni, C. Chanéac, O. Azzaroni, C. Sanchez, C. Boissière, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (12) (2020) 13598-13612
Acetylcholine biosensor based on the electrochemical functionalization of graphene field-effect transistors, G.E. Fenoy, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni, W. Knoll, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 148 (2020) 111796.
Redox-active polyamine-salt aggregates as multistimuli-responsive soft nanoparticles, S.E. Herrera, M.L. Agazzi, M.L. Cortez, W.A. Marmisollé, M. Tagliazucchi, O. Azzaroni, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (2020) 7440-7450.
A study of the complex interaction between poly allylamine hydrochloride and negatively charged poly (N-isopropylacrylamide-co-methacrylic acid) microgels, J.M. Giussi, M. Martinez, A. Iborra, M.L. Cortez, D. Di Silvio, I. Llarena Conde, G.S. Longo, O. Azzaroni, S.E. Moya, Soft Matter, 16 (2020) 881-890
Insulin Delivery from Glucose-Responsive, Self-Assembled, Polyamine Nanoparticles: Smart “Sense-and-Treat” Nanocarriers Made Easy, M.L. Agazzi, S.E. Herrera, M.L. Cortez, W. Marmisollé, M. Tagliazucchi, O. Azzaroni, Chemistry – A European Journal, 26 (2020) 2456-2463.
Electrochemically addressable nanofluidic devices based on PET nanochannels modified with electropolymerized poly-o-aminophenol films, G. Laucirica, V. Cayón, Y. Toum Terrones, M.L. Cortez, M.E. Toimil-Molares, C. Trautmann, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni, Nanoscale, 12 (2020) 6002-6011.
Light-induced Polymer Response Through Thermoplasmonics Transduction in Highly Monodisperse Core-Shell-Brush Nanosystems, M.J. Penelas, C.B Contreras, P.C. Angelomé, A. Wolosiuk, O. Azzaroni, G.J.A.A. Soler-Illia, Langmuir, 36 (2020) 1965-1974.
Concepts for Designing Tailored Thin Film Surfaces with Potential Biological Applications, N.E. Muzzio, O. Azzaroni, S.E. Moya, M.A. Pasquale, Multilayer Thin Films – Versatile Applications for Materials Engineering – S. Basu (ed) (IntechOpen Limited, London, 2020) DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.89092.
PEDOT-polyamine composite films for bioelectrochemical platforms -flexible and easy to derivatize, L.D. Sappia, E. Piccinini, C. von Binderling, W. Knoll, W. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni, Materials Science and Engineering: C, 109 (2020) 110575.
Synthesis and characterization of thermoresponsive ZIF-8@PNIPAm-co-MAA microgel composites with enhanced performance as an adsorption/release platform, Juan A. Allegretto, Juan M. Giussi, Sergio E. Moya, Omar Azzaroni, and Matias Rafti, RSC Advances, 10 (2020) 2453-2461.
MOF@PEDOT Composite Films for Impedimetric Pesticide Sensors, L. D. Sappia, J. S. Tuninetti, M. Ceolín, W. Knoll, M. Rafti, O. Azzaroni, Global Challenges, 4 (2020) 1900076.
Controlling dispersion, stability and polymer content on PDEGMA-functionalized core-brush silica colloids, M.J. Penelas, C.B. Contreras, J.M. Giussi, A. Wolosiuk, O. Azzaroni, G.J.A.A. Soler Illia, Colloids and Surfaces A, 574 (2019) 12–20.
Amine-Phosphate Specific Interactions within Nanochannels: Binding Behavior and Nanoconfinement Effects, G. Laucirica, G. Perez-Mitta, M.E. Toimil-Molares, C. Trautmann, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (2019) 28997-29007.
Modulation of Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Character of Porous Environments in Metal–Organic Frameworks via Direct Polymer Capping Probed by NMR Diffusion Measurements, M.I. Velasco, R.H. Acosta, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni, M. Rafti, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (2019) 21076-21082.
Antibacterial Layer‐by‐Layer Films of Poly(acrylic acid)–Gentamicin Complexes with a Combined Burst and Sustainable Release of Gentamicin, A. Escobar, N.E. Muzzio, P. Andreozzi, S. Libertone, E. Tasca, O. Azzaroni, M. Grzelczak, S.E. Moya, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 6 (2019) 1901373.
Continuous assembly of supramolecular polyamine–phosphate networks on surfaces: preparation and permeability properties of nanofilms, M.L. Agazzi, S.E. Herrera, M.L. Cortez, W.A. Marmisollé, C. von Bilderling, L.I. Pietrasanta, O. Azzaroni, Soft Matter, 15 (2019) 1640-1650.
Layer‐by‐Layer Formation of Polyamine‐Salt Aggregate/Polyelectrolyte Multilayers. Loading and Controlled Release of Probe Molecules from Self‐Assembled Supramolecular Networks, S.E. Herrera, M.L. Agazzi, M.L. Cortez, W.A. Marmisollé, C. von Bilderling, O. Azzaroni, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 220 (2019) 1900094.
Molecular Design of Solid‐State Nanopores: Fundamental Concepts and Applications, G. Pérez‐Mitta, M.E. Toimil‐Molares, C. Trautmann, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni, Advanced Materials, 31 (2019) 1901483.
Redox-Driven Reversible Gating of Solid-State Nanochannels, G. Laucirica, W.A. Marmisollé, M.E. Toimil-Molares, C. Trautmann, O. Azzaroni, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11 (2019) 30001–30009.
Adsorption and Exchangeability of Fibronectin and Serum Albumin Protein Corona on Annealed Polyelectrolyte Multilayers and Their Consequences on Cell Adhesion, N.E. Muzzio, M.A. Pasquale, X. Rios, O. Azzaroni, J. Llop, S.E. Moya, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 6 (2019) 1900008.
Reversible Switching of the Dirac Point in Graphene Field-Effect Transistors Functionalized with Responsive Polymer Brushes, E. Piccinini, C. Bliem, J.M. Giussi, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni, Langmuir, 35 (2019) 8038-8044.
Polyamine Colloids Cross-Linked with Phosphate Ions: Towards Understanding the Solution Phase Behavior, S.E. Herrera, M.L. Agazzi, M.L. Cortez, W.A. Marmisollé, M.Tagliazucchi, O. Azzaroni, ChemPhysChem, 20 (2019) 1044-1053.
Layer-by-Layer Integration of Conducting Polymers and Metal Organic Frameworks onto Electrode Surfaces: Enhancement of the Oxygen Reduction Reaction through Electrocatalytic Nanoarchitectonics, A.P. Mártire, G.M. Segovia, O. Azzaroni, M. Rafti, W.A. Marmisollé, Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 4 (2019) 893-900.
Chemical Stability of Mesoporous Oxide Thin Film Electrodes Under Electrochemical Cycling: From Dissolution to Stabilization, S. Alberti, P. Steinberg, G. Giménez, H. Amenitsch, G. Ybarra, O. Azzaroni, P.C. Angelomé, G.J.A.A. Soler-Illia, Langmuir, 35 (2019) 6279-6287.
Synthesis of lauryl methacrylate and poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate copolymers with tunable microstructure and emulsifying properties, A. Iborra, L. Salvatierra, J.M. Giussi, O. Azzaroni, European Polymer Journal, 116 (2019) 117–125.
Practical Use of Polymer Brushes in Sustainable Energy Applications: Interfacial Nanoarchitectonics for High-Efficiency Devices, J.M. Giussi, M.L. Cortez, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni, Chemical Society Reviews, 48 (2019) 814-849.
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Shedding Light on the Dark Corners of MOF Thin Films: Growth and Structural Stability of ZIF-8 Layers Probed by Optical Waveguide Spectroscopy, J.A. Allegretto, J. Dostalek, M. Rafti, B. Menges, O. Azzaroni, W. Knoll, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 123 (2019) 1100−1109.
Lectin-Recognizable MOF Glyconanoparticles: Supramolecular Glycosylation of ZIF‑8 Nanocrystals by Sugar-Based Surfactants, R.E. Giménez, E. Piccinini, O. Azzaroni, M. Rafti,
ACS Omega, 4 (2019) 842−848.
About the capacitive currents in conducting polymers: the case of polyaniline (Review), Juliana Scotto, Waldemar A. Marmisollé, Dionisio Posadas, J. Solid State Electrochem. 23 (2019) 1947-1965.
How protonation modulates the interaction between proteins and pH-responsive hydrogel films, Gabriel S. Longo, Néstor A. Pérez-Chávez and Igal Szleifer, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 41 (2019) 27–39.
Adsorption and insertion of polyarginine peptides into membrane pores: The trade-off between electrostatics, acid-base chemistry and pore formation energy, Pedro G. Ramírez, Mario G. Del Pópolo, Jorge A. Vila, I. Szleifer, Gabriel S. Longo, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 552 (2019) 701–711.
Molecular theory of glyphosate adsorption to pH‑responsive polymer layers, Néstor A. Pérez‑Chávez, Alberto G. Albesa, Gabriel S. Longo, Adsorption 25 (2019) 1307–1316.
Photopolymerization-assisted self-assembly as a strategy to obtain a dispersion of very high aspect ratio nanostructures in a polystyrene matrix, Ú.M. Montoya Rojo, C.C. Riccardi, M.D. Ninago, A.E. Ciolino, M.A. Villar, M. Ceolín, I.A. Zucchi, W.F. Schroeder, European Polymer Journal 112 (2019) 704–713.
Architecture – Behaviour – Properties Relationship In Star-Shaped MPA-PMMA And MPA-PS Hyper-Branched Copolymers, Gabriel Ríos Valer, Gisela Díaz, Juan M Giussi, Marcelo Ceolín, Adv. Mater. Lett., 2019, 10 (7), pp 476-483.
Core-crystalline nanoribbons of controlled length via diffusion-limited colloid aggregation, Ruth N. Schmarsow, Marcelo Ceolín, Ileana A. Zucchi and Walter F. Schroeder, Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 4751-4760.
NanoPaint: A Tool for Rapid and Dynamic Imaging of Membrane Structural Plasticity at the Nanoscale, M. Tasso, T. Pons, N. Lequeux, J. Nguyen, Z. Lenkei, D. Zala, Small, 15 (2019) 1902796.
Ligand Exchange on CdSe Nanoplatelets for the Solar Light Sensitization of TiO2 and ZnO Nanorod Arrays, A. Szemjonov, M. Tasso, S. Ithurria, I. Ciofini, F. Labat, T. Pauporté, Photochem. Photobiol. A Chem. 368 (2019) 182–189.
Fluorescent and Magnetic Stellate Mesoporous Silica for Bimodal Imaging and Magnetic Hyperthermia, F. Perton*, M. Tasso*, G. A. Muñoz Medina, M. Ménard, C. Blanco-Andujar, E. Portiansky, M. B. Fernández van Raap, D. Bégin, F. Meyer, S. Begin-Colin, D. Mertz, Appl. Mater. Today, 16 (2019) 301–314 * Equally-contributing first authors.
Polymer and Biopolymer Brushes: for Materials Science and Biotechnology, edited by Omar Azzaroni and Igal Szleifer (Wiley, Hoboken, 2018)
Enzyme Multilayers on Graphene-Based FETs for Biosensing Applications, C. Bliem, E. Piccinini, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni, Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 609: “Enzyme Nanoarchitectures: Enzymes Armored with Graphene”, C.V. Kumar (ed.) (Academic Press, San Diego, 2018) Ch. 2, pp 23-46.
Reversible modulation of the redox activity in conducting polymer nanofilms induced by hydrophobic collapse of a surface-grafted polyelectrolyte, G. E. Fenoy, J.M. Giussi,C. von Bilderling, E. M. Maza, L.I. Pietrasanta, W. Knoll, W. A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 518 (2018) 92-101.
Cysteamine-modified ZIF-8 colloidal building blocks: Direct assembly of nanoparticulate MOF films on gold surfaces via thiol chemistry, G.M. Segovia, J.S. Tuninetti, S. Moya, A.S. Picco, M.R. Ceolín, O. Azzaroni, M. Rafti, Materials Today Chemistry, 8 (2018) 29-35.
Layer-by-layer assembly of iron oxide-decorated few-layer graphene/PANI:PSS composite films for high performance supercapacitors operating in neutral aqueous electrolytes, G.E.Fenoy, B. Van der Schueren, J. Scotto, F. Boulmedais, M.R.Ceolín, S. Bégin-Colin, D. Bégin, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni, Electrochimica Acta, 283 (2018) 1178-1187.
Powering Up the Oxygen Reduction Reaction through the Integration of O2-Adsorbing Metal–Organic Frameworks on Nanocomposite Electrodes, G.E. Fenoy, J. Scotto, J. Azcárate, M. Rafti, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 1 (2018) 5428–5436.
Self-assembled phosphate-polyamine networks as biocompatible supramolecular platforms to modulate cell adhesion, N.E. Muzzio, M.A. Pasquale, W.A. Marmisollé, C. von Bilderling, M.L. Cortez, L.I. Pietrasanta, O. Azzaroni, Biomaterials Science, 6 (2018) 2230–2247.
Surfactants as mesogenic agents in layer-by-layer assembled polyelectrolyte/surfactant multilayers: nanoarchitectured ‘‘soft’’ thin films displaying a tailored mesostructure, E. Piccinini, J.S. Tuninetti, J. Irigoyen Otamendi, S.E. Moya, M. Ceolín, F. Battaglini, O. Azzaroni, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20 (2018) 9298–9308.
Cascading reaction of arginase and urease on a graphene-based FET for ultrasensitive, real-time detection of arginine, T. Berninger, C. Bliem, E. Piccinini, O. Azzaroni, W. Knoll, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 115 (2018) 104-110.
Highly Sensitive Biosensing with Solid-State Nanopores Displaying Enzymatically-Reconfigurable Rectification Properties, G. Pérez-Mitta, A. S. Peinetti, M.L. Cortez, M.E. Toimil-Molares, C. Trautmann, O. Azzaroni, Nano Letters 18 (2018) 3303-3310.
Pushing the Boundaries of Interfacial Sensitivity in Graphene FET Sensors: Polyelectrolyte Multilayers Strongly Increase the Debye Screening Length, E. Piccinini, S. Alberti, G.S. Longo, T. Berninger, J. Breu, J. Dostalek, O. Azzaroni, W. Knoll, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (2018) 10181-10188.
Proton-gated rectification regimes in nanofluidic diodes switched by chemical effectors, G. Pérez-Mitta, W.A. Marmisollé, L. Burr, M.E. Toimil-Molares, C. Trautmann, O. Azzaroni, Small 14 (2018) 1703144.
Phosphate-responsive biomimetic nanofluidic diodes regulated by polyamine-phosphate interactions. Insights into their functional behavior from theory and experiment, G. Pérez-Mitta, W.A. Marmisollé, A.G. Albesa, M.E. Toimil-Molares, C. Trautmann, O. Azzaroni, Small 14 (2018) 1702131.
Layer-by-layer assembled microgels can combine conflicting properties: Switchable stiffness and wettability without affecting permeability, E. Maza, C. von Bilderling, M.L. Cortez, G. Díaz, M. Bianchi, L.I. Pietrasanta, J.M. Giussi, O. Azzaroni, Langmuir 34 (2018) 3711-3719.
Highly-organized stacked multilayers via layer-by-layer assembly of lipid-like surfactants and polyelectrolytes. Stratified supramolecular structures for (bio)electrochemical nanoarchitectonics, M.L. Cortez, A. Lorenzo, W.A. Marmisollé, C. von Bilderling, E. Maza, L. Pietrasanta, F. Battaglini, M. Ceolín, O. Azzaroni, Soft Matter 14 (2018) 1939-1952.
Electrochemical Nanoarchitectonics through Polyaminobenzylamine-Dodecyl Phosphate Complexes: Redox Activity and Mesoscopic Organization in Self-Assembled Nanofilms, A. Lorenzo, W.A. Marmisollé, E.M. Maza, M. Ceolín, O. Azzaroni, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (2018) 7570-7578.
Modulation of Polyelectrolyte Adsorption on Nanoparticles and Nanochannels by Surface Curvature, F.M. Gilles, F. Boubeta, O. Azzaroni, I. Szleifer, M. Tagliazucchi, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018) 6669-6677.
Polyelectrolyte Capping As Straightforward Approach toward Manipulation of Diffusive Transport in MOF Films, J.A. Allegretto, J.S. Tuninetti, A. Lorenzo, M. Ceolín, O. Azzaroni, M. Rafti, Langmuir 34 (2018) 425−431.
Thermo-responsive PNIPAm nanopillars displaying amplified responsiveness through the incorporation of nanoparticles, Juan M. Giussi, Catalina von Bilderling, Emiliano Alarcón, Lía I. Pietrasanta, Rebeca Hernandez, Rafael P. del Real, Manuel Vázquez, Carmen Mijangos, M. Lorena Cortez and Omar Azzaroni, Nanoscale, 2018, 1189–1195.
Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs): Structural multifunctionality and integration into diverse platforms – Mini-Review, Jimena S. Tuninetti, Matías Rafti and Alejandro M. Fracaroli, An. Asoc. Quim. Argent. 2018, 105(2), 69-91.
Live cell imaging reveals focal adhesions mechanoresponses in mammary epithelial cells under sustained equibiaxial stress, L. Sigaut, C. von Bilderling, M. Bianchi, J.E. Burdisso, L.M. Gastaldi and L.I. Pietrasanta, Scientific Reports, 8 (2018) 97884-9799.
Conducting Polymers-based Electrochemical Platforms: from biosensing to energy storage, Juliana Scotto, Gonzalo E. Fenoy, Luciano D. Sappia, Waldemar A. Marmisollé, An. Asoc. Quim. Argent. 105 (2018) 135-156.
Using Polymer Hydrogels for Glyphosate Sequestration from Aqueous Solutions: Molecular Theory Study of Adsorption to Polyallylamine Films, Néstor A. Pérez-Chávez, Alberto G. Albesa, and Gabriel S. Longo, Langmuir 34 (2018) 12560−12568.
Use of pH Gradients in Responsive Polymer Hydrogels for the Separation and Localization of Proteins from Binary Mixtures, Annika Hagemann, Juan M. Giussi, and Gabriel S. Longo, Macromolecules 51 (2018) 8205-8216.
Structural Characterization of Biocompatible Reverse Micelles Using Small-Angle X-ray Scattering, 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, and Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Emmanuel Odella, R. Darío Falcone, Marcelo Ceolín, Juana J. Silber and N. Mariano Correa, J. Phys. Chem. B 2018, 122, 4366-4375.
Clickable-Zwitterionic Copolymer Capped-Quantum Dots for in Vivo Fluorescence Tumor Imaging, L. Trapiella-Alfonso, T. Pons, N. Lequeux, L. Leleu, J. Grimaldi, M. Tasso, E. Oujagir, J. Seguin, F. D’Orlyé, C. Girard, et al, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10 (2018) 17107–17116.
“Gramicidin Ion Channels in Lipid Bilayer Supported on Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films: An Electrochemical Impedance Study”
E. Diamanti, E. Gutiérrez-Pineda, N. Politakos, P. Andreozzi, M.J. Rodriguez-Presa, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni,C.A. Gervasi, S.E. Moya.
Soft Matter 13 (2017) 8922-8929
“Thermosensitive Cation-Selective Mesochannels: PNIPAM-Capped Mesoporous Thin Films as Bioinspired Interfacial Architectures with Concerted Functions”
S. Schmidt, S. Alberti, P. Vana, G.J.A.A. Soler-Illia, O. Azzaroni.
Chemistry – A European Journal 23 (2017) 14500–14506
“All-Plastic Field-Effect Nanofluidic Diode Gated by a Conducting Polymer Layer”
G. Pérez-Mitta, W.A. Marmisollé, C. Trautmann, M.E. Toimil-Molares, O. Azzaroni
Advanced Materials 29 (2017) 1700972
“Enhanced antiadhesive properties of chitosan/hyaluronic acid polyelectrolyte multilayers driven by thermal annealing: Low adherence for mammalian cells and selective decrease in adhesion for Gram-positive bacteria”
N.E. Muzzio, M.A. Pasquale, E. Diamati, D. Gregurec, M. Martínez-Moro, O. Azzaroni, S.E. Moya.
Materials Science and Engineering 80 (2017) 677-687
“Tailored polyelectrolyte thin film multilayers to modulate cell adhesion”
N.E. Muzzio, M.A. Pasquale, S.E. Moya, O. Azzaroni.
Biointerphases 12 (2017) 04E403-1
“Metal-organic frameworks meet polymer brushes: enhanced crystalline film growth induced by macromolecular primers”.
M. Rafti, J.A. Allegretto, G. Segovia, J.S. Tuninetti, E. Bindini, J.M. Giussi, O. Azzaroni.
Materials Chemistry Frontiers 1 (2017) 2256-2260
“Integration of biorecognition elements on PEDOT platforms through supramolecular interactions”
L.D. Sappia, E. Piccinini, W. Marmisollé, N. Santilli, E. Maza, S. Moya, F. Battaglini, R.E. Madrid, O. Azzaroni.
Advanced Materials Interfaces 4 (2017) 1700502.
“Layer-by-Layer Assemblies of Highly Connected Polyelectrolyte Capped-Pt Nanoparticles for Electrocatalysis of Hydrogen Evolution Reaction”
G.E. Fenoy, E. Maza, E. Zelaya, W.A. Marmisollé and O. Azzaroni.
Applied Surface Science 416 (2017) 24–32.
“Noncovalent Approach Towards the Construction of Nanofluidic Diodes with pH-Reversible Rectifying Properties – Insights from Theory and Experiment”
G. Perez-Mitta, A. Albesa, F. Facundo; M.E. Toimil-Molares, C. Trautmann, O. Azzaroni.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (2017) 9070-9076.
“Thermally-Induced Softening of PNIPAm-Based Nanopillar Arrays”
B. Sanz, C. von Bilderling, J. Tuninetti, L. Pietrasanta, C. Mijangos, .S. Longo, O. Azzaroni, J.M. Giussi.
Soft Matter 13 (2017) 2453-2464.
“Dangerous liaisons: anion-induced protonation in phosphate-polyamine interactions and their implications for charge states of biologically relevant surfaces”.
G. Laucirica, W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (2017) 8612-8620.
“Enzyme-Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Assemblies on Reduced Graphene Oxide Field-Effect Transistors for Biosensing Applications”
E. Piccinini, C. Bliem, C. Reiner-Rozman, F. Battaglini, O. Azzaroni, W. Knoll.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 92 (2017) 661–667.
“Solvent effects on the structure-property relationship of redox-active self-assembled nanoparticle-polyelectrolyte-surfactant composite thin films: Implications for the generation of bioelectrocatalytic signals in enzyme-containing assemblies”.
M.L. Cortez, M. Ceolín, J.L. Cuellar Camacho, E. Donath, S. Moya, F. Battaglini, O. Azzaroni.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (2017) 1119-1128.
“Bioinspired Integrated Nanosystems Based on Solid-State Nanopores: “Iontronic” Transduction of Biological, Chemical and Physical Stimuli”.
G. Pérez-Mitta, A.G. Albesa, C. Trautmann, M.E. Toimil-Molares, O. Azzaroni.
Chemical Science 8 (2017) 890-913.
“Copolymer based on lauryl methacrylate and poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate as amphiphilic macrosurfactant: Synthesis, characterization and their application as dispersing agent for carbon nanotubes”.
A. Iborra, G. Díaz, D. López García, J.M. Giussi, O. Azzaroni.
European Polymer Journal 87 (2017) 308-317.
“Thermal Annealing of Polyelectrolyte Multilayers: An Effective Approach for the Enhancement of Cell Adhesion”
N. Muzzio, D. Gregurec, E. Diamanti, J. Irigoyen, M.A. Pasquale, O. Azzaroni, S.E. Moya.
Advanced Materials Interfaces 4 (2017) 1600126
“Mechanism of Particle Formation in Silver/Epoxy Nanocomposites Obtained through a Visible-Light-Assisted in Situ Synthesis”
Ignacio E. dell’Erba, Francisco D. Martínez, Cristina E. Hoppe, Guillermo E. Elicabe, Marcelo Ceolín, Ileana A. Zucchi, and Walter F. Schroeder
Langmuir 33 (2017) 10248−10258
“Controlling the generation of bilayer and multilayer vesicles in block copolymer/epoxy blends by a slow photopolymerization process”
J. Puig, M. Ceolin, R.J.J. Williams, W.F. Schroeder and I.A. Zucchi.
Soft Matter 13 (2017) 7341-7351
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“Zwitterionic Silane Copolymer for Ultra-Stable and Bright Biomolecular Probes Based on Fluorescent Quantum Dot Nanoclusters”
F. Dembele, M. Tasso, L. Trapiella-Alfonso, X. Xu, M. Hanafi, N. Lequeux, T. Pons
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9 (2017) 18161–18169

“Metal-organic frameworks help conducting polymers optimize the efficiency of the oxygen reduction reaction in neutral solutions”
M. Rafti, W. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni.
Advanced Materials Interfaces 3 (2016) 1600047.
“Synthesis, characterization and dielectric relaxation study of hyperbranched polymers with different molecular architecture”
J.M. Giussi, O. Azzaroni, S. Hensel-Bielowka, Z. Wojnarowska, J. Knapik, M. Paluch.
Polymer 100 (2016) 227-237.
“The Influence of Divalent Anions on the Rectification Properties of Nanofluidic Diodes: Insights from Experiments and Theoretical Simulations”
G. Pérez-Mitta, A.G. Albesa, M.E. Toimil-Molares, C. Trautmann, O. Azzaroni.
ChemPhysChem 17 (2016) 2718–2725.
“Self-Limited Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles into Supraparticles: Towards Supramolecular Colloidal Materials by Design”
E. Piccinini, D. Pallarola, F. Battaglini, O. Azzaroni.
Molecular Systems Design & Engineering 1 (2016) 155-162.
“High Resistivity Lipid Bilayers Assembled on Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Cushions: An Impedance Study”
E. Diamanti, D. Gregurec, M.J. Rodríguez-Presa, C. Gervasi, O. Azzaroni, S. Moya.
Langmuir 32 (2016) 6263–6271.
“Amine-appended polyaniline as a water dispersible electroactive polyelectrolyte and its integration into functional self-assembled multilayers”
W. Marmisollé, E. Maza, S.E. Moya, O. Azzaroni.
Electrochimica Acta 210 (2016) 435-444.
“Impact of Thermal Annealing on Wettability and Antifouling Characteristics of Alginate Poly-L-Lysine Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films”
E. Diamanti, N. Muzzio, D. Gregurec, J. Irigoyen, M. Pasquale, O. Azzaroni, M. Brinkmann, S.E. Moya.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 145 (2016) 328-337.
“Recent Developments in the Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Polyaniline and Carbon Nanomaterials for Energy Storage and Sensing Applications. From Synthetic Aspects to Structural and Functional Characterization”
W.A. Marmisollé, O. Azzaroni.
Nanoscale 8 (2016) 9890–9918.
“Polyelectrolytes multilayers to modulate cell adhesion: A study of the influence of film composition and polyelectrolyte interdigitation on the adhesion of the A549 cell line”
N.E. Muzzio, M.A. Pasquale, D. Gregurec, E. Diamanti, M. Kosutic, O. Azzaroni, S.E. Moya
Macromolecular Bioscience 16 (2016) 482-495.
“Ionic Conductance of Polyelectrolyte-Modified Nanochannels: Nanoconfinement Effects on the Coupled Protonation Equilibria of Polyprotic Brushes”
F.M. Gilles, M. Tagliazucchi, O. Azzaroni, I. Szleifer.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (2016) 4789-4798
“Temperature-Driven Self-Assembly of Self-Limiting Uniform Supraparticles from Non-Uniform Unimolecular Micelles”
A.S. Picco, B. Yameen, W. Knoll, M. Ceolín, O. Azzaroni.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 471 (2016) 71–75.
“Molecular transport properties of ZIF-8 thin films in aqueous environments: the critical role of intergrain mesoporosity as diffusional pathway”
J.S. Tuninetti, M. Rafti, A. Andrieu-Brunsen, O. Azzaroni.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 220 (2016) 253-257.
“Noncovalent Functionalization of Solid-State Nanopores via Molecular Self-Assembly of Amphipols”
G. Pérez-Mitta, L. Burr, J.S. Tuninetti, C. Trautmann, M.E. Toimil-Molares, O. Azzaroni.
Nanoscale 8 (2016) 1470-1478.
“Evolution of Morphologies of a PE-b-PEO Block Copolymer in an Epoxy Solvent Induced by Polymerization Followed by Crystallization-Driven Self-Assembly of PE Blocks during Cooling”
Julieta Puig, Ileana A. Zucchi, Marcelo Ceolín, Walter F. Schroeder, and Roberto J. J. Williams
RSC Adv. 6 (2016) 34903-34912
“Nanofluidic Diodes with Dynamic Rectification Properties Stemming from Reversible Electrochemical Conversions in Conducting Polymers”
G. Pérez-Mitta, W. Marmisollé, C. Trautmann, M.E. Toimil-Molares, O. Azzaroni.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (2015)15382-15385.
“Polyanilines with pendant amino groups as electrochemically active copolymers at neutral pH”
W. Marmisollé, D. Gregurec, S. Moya, O. Azzaroni.
ChemElectroChem 2 (2015) 2011-2019.
“pH-responsive ion transport in polyelectrolyte multilayers of poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDADMAC) and poly(4-styrenesulfonic acid-co-maleic acid) (PSS-MA) bearing strong- and weak anionic groups”
E. Maza, J.S. Tuninetti, N. Politakos, W. Knoll, S. Moya, O. Azzaroni
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (2015) 29935-29948.
“Early stages of ZIF-8 film growth: the enhancement effect of primers exposing sulfonate groups as surface-confined nucleation agents”
J.S. Tuninetti, M. Rafti, O. Azzaroni
RSC Advances 5 (2015) 73958-73962.
“Unusual temperature-induced swelling of ionizable poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-based microgels: experimental and theoretical insights into its molecular origin”
J.M. Giussi, M.I. Velasco, G.S. Longo, R.H. Acosta, O. Azzaroni
Soft Matter, 11 (2015) 8879-8886.
“Host-guest supramolecular chemistry in solid-state nanopores: potassium-driven modulation of ionic transport in nanofluidic diodes”
G. Pérez-Mitta, A.G. Albesa, W. Knoll, C. Trautmann, M.E. Toimil-Molares, O. Azzaroni.
Nanoscale, 7 (2015) 15594-15598.
“Recognition-driven assembly of self-limiting supramolecular protein nanoparticles with enzymatic activity”
E. Piccinini, D. Pallarola, F. Battaglini, O. Azzaroni.
Chemical Communications 51 (2015) 14754-14757.
“Supramolecular surface chemistry: Substrate-independent, phosphate-driven growth of polyamine-based multifunctional thin films”
W. Marmisollé, J. Irigoyen, D. Gregurec, S. Moya, O. Azzaroni.
Advanced Functional Materials 25 (2015) 4144-4152.
“Formation of redox-active self-assembled polyelectrolyte-surfactant complexes integrating glucose oxidase on electrodes: Influence of the self-assembly solvent on the signal generation”
M.L. Cortez, M. Ceolín, O. Azzaroni, F. Battaglini
Bioelectrochemistry 105 (2015) 117–122.
“Polydopamine Meets Solid-State Nanopores: A Bio-inspired Integrative Surface Chemistry Approach to Tailor the Functional Properties of Nanofluidic Diodes”
G. Pérez-Mitta, J.S. Tuninetti, W. Knoll, C. Trautmann, M.E. Toimil-Molares, O. Azzaroni.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (2015) 6011-6017.
“Gated Supramolecular Chemistry in Hybrid Mesoporous Silica Nanoarchitectures: Controlled Delivery and Molecular Transport in Response to Chemical, Physical and Biological Stimuli”.
S. Alberti, G. Soler-Illia, O. Azzaroni.
Chemical Communications 51 (2015) 6050-6075.
“Mesophase Transformation in Amphiphilic Hyperbranched Polymers Induced by Transition Metal Ion Complexation. Creating Well-Defined Metallo-Supramolecular Assemblies from “Ill-Defined” Building Blocks”.
A.S. Picco, W. Knoll, M. Ceolín, O. Azzaroni.
ACS Macro Letters 4 (2015) 94–100.
“Mesoporous Hybrid Thin Film Membranes with PMETAC@Silica Architectures: Controlling Ionic Gating Through the Tuning of Polyelectrolyte Density”
A. Brunsen, S. Micoureau, M. Tagliazucchi, I. Szleifer, O. Azzaroni, and G.J.A.A. Soler-Illia
Chemistry of Materials 27 (2015) 808–821.
“Effect of Gold Nanoparticles on the Structure and Electron Transfer Characteristics of Glucose Oxidase-Redox Polyelectrolyte-Surfactant Complexes”.
M.L. Cortez, W. Marmisollé, D. Pallarola, L.I. Pietrasanta, D.H. Murgida, M. Ceolín, O. Azzaroni, F. Battaglini.
Chemistry – A European Journal 20 (2014) 13366–13374.
“On the Supramacromolecular Structure of Core-Shell Amphiphilic Macromolecules Derived from Hyperbranched Polyethyleneimine”
A. Picco, M. Kraska, H. Didzoleit, C. Appel, G. Silbestri, O. Azzaroni, B. Stühn, M. Ceolín.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 436 (2014) 243-250.
“Hydrophobic interactions leading to a complex interplay between bioelectrocatalytic properties and multilayer meso-organization in layer-by-layer assemblies.”
M.L. Cortez, N. De Matteis, M. Ceolín, W. Knoll, F. Battaglini and O. Azzaroni
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (2014) 20844-20855.
“Probing the microenvironment of unimicelles constituted of amphiphilic hyperbranched
polyethyleneimine using 1-methyl-8-oxyquinolinium betaine”.
A.S. Picco, G.F. Silbestri, R.D. Falcone, O. Azzaroni, M. Ceolín, N.M. Correa.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (2014) 13458-13464
“Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Polymersomes and Polyelectrolytes on Planar Surfaces and Microsized Colloidal Particles”.
M. Coustet, J. Irigoyen, T. Alonso Garcia, R.A Murray, G. Romero, M.S. Cortizo, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni, S.E Moya.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 421 (2014) 132-140.
“Self-Assembled Redox Polyelectrolyte-Surfactant Complexes: Nanostructure and Electron Transfer Characteristics of Supramolecular Films with Built-In Electroactive Chemical Functions”
M.L. Cortez, G.A. González, M. Ceolín, O. Azzaroni, F. Battaglini.
Electrochimica Acta, 118 (2014) 124– 129.
“Temperature-Dependent Transport Properties of Poly [2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl] Trimethylammonium Chloride Brushes Resulting from Ion Specific Effects.”
T. Alonso-Garcia, C. Gervasi, M.J. Rodríguez-Presa, E. Gutiérrez-Pineda, S. Moya, O. Azzaroni.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117 (2013) 26680–26688.
“Self-assembly of (PBzMA-b-PDMAEMA) diblock copolymer films at the air-water interface and deposition on solid substrates via Langmuir-Blodgett transfer”.
C. dos Santos Claro, M.E. Coustet, C. Díaz, E. Maza, S. Cortizo, F.G. Requejo, L.I. Pietrasanta, M. Ceolín, O. Azzaroni.
Soft Matter 9 (2013) 10899-10912.
“Heterogeneous Catalytic Activity of Platinum Nanoparticles Hosted in Mesoporous Silica Thin Films Modified with Polyelectrolyte Brushes”
M. Rafti, A. Brunsen, M.C. Fuertes, O. Azzaroni, G.J.A.A. Soler-Illia.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 5 (2013) 8833-8840.
“Electrochemical Determination of the Glass Transition Temperature of Thin Polyelectrolyte Brushes at Solid−Liquid Interfaces by Impedance Spectroscopy”
T. Alonso-García, M. J. Rodríguez-Presa, C. Gervasi, S. Moya, O. Azzaroni.
Analytical Chemistry 85 (2013) 6561–6565.
“Electron Transfer Properties of Dual Self-Assembled Architectures Based on Specific Recognition and Electrostatic Driving Forces: Its Application to Control Substrate Inhibition in Horseradish Peroxidase-Based Sensors”
M.L.Cortez, D. Pallarola, M. Ceolín, O. Azzaroni, F. Battaglini.
Analytical Chemistry 85 (2013) 2414-2422.
“Supramacromolecular Organization of Gold Nanocrystals Capped with Amphiphilic Hyperbranched Polyethyleneimine”
A.S. Picco, E. Zelaya, O. Azzaroni, M.R. Ceolín.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 397 (2013) 206-209.
“Electrochemically-Designed Self-Assembled Monolayers for the Selective Immobilization and Release of Ligands, Proteins and Cells”
O. Azzaroni, R.C. Salvarezza
“Handbook of Biofunctional Surfaces”, W. Knoll (ed.) (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2012) Ch4. p. 99.
ISBN-13: 978-9814316637
“Ionic Self-Assembly of Electroactive Biorecognizable Units: Electrical Contacting of Redox Glycoenzymes Made Easy”
M.L. Cortez, D. Pallarola, M. Ceolín, O. Azzaroni, F. Battaglini.
Chemical Communications, 48 (2012) 10868–10870.
“Recognition-Driven Layer-by-Layer Construction of Multiprotein Assemblies on Surfaces: Biomolecular Toolkit for Designing and Building Up Biomimetic Signal Chains and Bioelectrodes”
D. Pallarola, C. von Bildering, L.I. Pietrasanta, N. Queralto, W. Knoll. F. Battaglini, O. Azzaroni.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14 (2012) 11027-11039.
“Polymer Brushes Here, There and Everywhere: Recent Advances in Their Practical Applications and Emerging Opportunities in Multiple Research Fields”
O. Azzaroni.
Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry 50 (2012) 3225-3258 [Artículo Invitado – Highlight]
“Molecular Transport in Thin Thermo-Responsive Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Brushes with Varying Grafting Density”
T. Alonso Garcia, C. Gervasi, M.J. Rodríguez Presa, S. Moya, O. Azzaroni.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116 (2012) 13944-13953.
“Understanding the Parameters Affecting the Photoluminescence of Silicon Nanoparticles”
M.J. Llansola Portolés, R. Pis Diez, M.L. Dell´Arciprete, P. Caregnato, J.J. Romero, D.O. Mártire, O. Azzaroni, M. Ceolín, M.C. González.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116 (2012) 11315-11325.
“Phototunable Response in Caged Polymer Brushes”
J. Cui, N. Thi Huong, M. Ceolín, R. Berger, O. Azzaroni, A. Del Campo.
Macromolecules, 45 (2012) 3213-3220
“Proton and Calcium-Gated Ionic Mesochannels: Phosphate-Bearing Polymer Brushes Hosted in Mesoporous Thin Films as Biomimetic Interfacial Architectures”
A. Brunsen, C. Díaz, L.I. Pietrasanta, B. Yameen, M. Ceolín, G.J.A.A. Soler-Illia, O. Azzaroni.
Langmuir 38 (2012) 3583-3592
“Light-Activated Gating and Permselectivity in Interfacial Architectures Combining “Caged” Polymer Brushes and Mesoporous Thin Films”.
A. Brunsen, J. Cui. M. Ceolín, A. del Campo, G.J.A.A. Soler-Illia, O. Azzaroni.
Chemical Communications 48, (2012) 1422–1424. [Artículo Invitado – 2012 ChemComm Emerging Investigators Issue]
“Chemisorbed Self-Assembled Monolayers”.
O. Azzaroni, R.C. Salvarezza
“Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials” (Volume 7: Soft Matter), J.W. Steed, P.A. Gale (eds.) (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2011) p. 3445 – ISBN: 978-0-470-74640-0
“Electrochemical Sensing Platform Based on Polyelectrolyte-Surfactant Supramolecular Assemblies Incorporating Carbon Nanotubes”.
M.L. Cortez, M. Ceolín, O. Azzaroni, F. Battaglini.
Analytical Chemistry 83 (2011) 8011-8018.
“Polymer Brushes with Phototriggered and Phototunable Swelling and pH Response”.
J. Cui, O. Azzaroni, A. del Campo.
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 32 (2011) 1699-1703.
“Layer-by-Layer Assemblies in Nanoporous Templates: Nano-Organized Design and Applications of Soft Nanotechnology”. [Artículo Invitado – Review]
O. Azzaroni, K.H.A. Lau
Soft Matter 7 (2011) 8709-8724.
“Manipulation of Molecular Transport into Mesoporous Silica Thin Films by Infiltration of Polyelectrolytes”.
A. Brunsen, A. Calvo, F.J. Williams, G.J.A.A. Soler-Illia, O. Azzaroni.
Langmuir 27 (2011) 4328-4333.
“Thermoreversible Formation and Negative Thermal Expansion of Supramacromolecular Assemblies of Unimolecular Micelles in Solution”.
A.S. Picco, B. Yameen, O. Azzaroni, M. Ceolín.
Chemical Communications, 47 (2011) 3802-3804.
“Characterization of Responsive Polymer Brushes at Solid/Liquid Interfaces by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy”.
O. Azzaroni, C. Gervasi.
“Polymer Thin Films: Assembly, Functionalization and Characterization” editado por W. Knoll, R.C. Advincula (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2011) Ch. 26, pp. 809-830. ISBN: 3-527-32190-X
“Multifunctional Hybrids by Combining Ordered Mesoporous Materials and Macromolecular Building Blocks”.
G.J.A.A. Soler-Illia, O. Azzaroni.
Chemical Society Reviews, 40 (2011) 1107–1150. [Artículo Invitado – Hybrid Materials Themed Issue]
“Facile Glycoenzyme “Wiring” to Electrode Supports via Redox-Active “Biosupramolecular Glue””.
D. Pallarola, N. Queralto, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni, F. Battaglini.
Chemistry – A European Journal, 16 (2010) 13970 – 13975.
“Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Polyelectrolytes into Ionic Current Rectifying Solid-State Nanopores: Insights from Theory and Experiment”.
M. Ali, B. Yameen, J. Cervera, P. Ramírez, R. Neumann, W. Ensinger, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132 (2010) 8338-8348.
“Supramolecular Assembly of Glucose Oxidase on Concanavalin A-Modified Gold Electrodes”.
D. Pallarola, N. Queralto, F. Battaglini, O. Azzaroni.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12 (2010) 8071-8083.
“Proton-Regulated Rectified Ionic Transport through Solid-State Conical Nanopores Modified with Phosphate-Bearing Polymer Brushes”.
B. Yameen, M. Ali, R. Neumann, W. Ensinger, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni.
Chemical Communications, 46 (2010) 1908-1910.
“Hybrid Polymer-Silicon Proton Conducting Membranes via a Pore-Filling Surface-Initiated Polymerization Approach”.
B. Yameen, A. Kaltbeitzel, G. Glasser, A. Langner, F. Müller, U. Gösele, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2 (2010) 279-287. [Tapa de la revista – Vol. 2, Iss. 1 – Enero 27, 2010]
“Nanochemistry in Confined Environments: Polyelectrolyte Brush-Assisted Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles inside Ordered Mesoporous Thin Films”.
A. Calvo, M.C. Fuertes, B. Yameen, F.J. Williams, O. Azzaroni, G.J.A.A. Soler-Illia.
Langmuir, 26 (2010) 5559-5567.
“Responsive Polymers End-Tethered in Solid-State Nanochannels: When Nanoconfinement Really Matters”
M. Tagliazucchi, O. Azzaroni, I. Szleifer.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132 (2010) 12404-12411. [Artículo seleccionado por el editor para JACS Select Collection on “Current Applications of Computational Chemistry in JACS – Molecules, Mechanisms and Materials”]
“Redox-Active Concanavalin A: Synthesis, Characterization and Recognition-Driven Assembly of Interfacial Architectures for Bioelectronic Applications”.
D. Pallarola, N. Queralto, W. Knoll, M. Ceolín, O. Azzaroni, F. Battaglini
Langmuir, 26 (2010) 13684–13696.
“A Facile Route for the Preparation of Azide-Terminated Polymers. “Clicking” Polyelectrolyte Brushes on Planar Surfaces and Nanochannels”.
B. Yameen, M. Ali, M. Alvarez, R. Neumann, W. Ensinger, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni.
Polymer Chemistry, 1 (2010) 183-192.
“Estimating Diffusion Coefficients of Probe Molecules into Polyelectrolyte Brushes by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy”.
M.J. Rodríguez-Presa, L.M. Gassa, O. Azzaroni, C.A. Gervasi.
Analytical Chemistry, 81 (2009) 7936-7943.
“Polymer Brush Resist for Responsive Wettability”.
A.A. Brown, O. Azzaroni, L.M. Fidalgo, W.T.S. Huck.
Soft Matter, 5 (2009) 2738-2745.
“Mesoporous Films and Polymer Brushes Helping Each Other to Modulate Ionic Transport in Nanoconfined Environments. An Interesting Example of Synergism in Functional Hybrid Assemblies”.
A. Calvo, B. Yameen, F.J. Williams, G.J.A.A. Soler-Illia, O. Azzaroni.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131 (2009) 10866-10868.
“Synthetic Proton-Gated Ion Channels via Single Solid-State Nanochannels Modified with Responsive Polymer Brushes”.
B. Yameen, M. Ali, R. Neumann, W. Ensinger, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni.
Nano Letters, 9 (2009) 2788-2793.
“Facile Molecular Design of Hybrid Functional Assemblies with Controllable Transport Properties: Mesoporous Films Meet Polyelectrolyte Brushes”.
A. Calvo, B. Yameen, F.J. Williams, O. Azzaroni, G.J.A.A. Soler-Illia.
Chemical Communications, (2009) 2553-2555.
“Ionic Transport through Single Solid-State Nanopores Controlled with Thermally Nanoactuated Macromolecular Gates”
B. Yameen, M. Ali, R. Neumann, W. Ensinger, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni.
Small, 5 (2009) 1287-1291.
“Highly Proton-Conducting Self-Humidifying Microchannels Generated by Copolymer Brushes on a Scaffold”
B. Yameen, A. Kaltbeitzel, A. Langner, F. Müller, U. Gösele, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 48 (2009) 3124-3228.
“Tailoring of Polyetheretherketone Surface Properties via Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization”
B. Yameen, M. Álvarez, O. Azzaroni, U. Jonas, W. Knoll.
Langmuir, 25 (2009) 6214-6220.
“Specific Zeta-Potential Response of Layer-by-Layer-Coated Colloidal Particles Triggered by Polyelectrolyte-Ion Interactions”.
J. Irigoyen, S.E. Moya, J.J. Iturri, I. Llarena, O. Azzaroni, E. Donath.
Langmuir, 25 (2009) 3374-3380.
“Anti-Fouling Characteristics of Surface-Confined Oligonucleotide Strands Bioconjugated on Streptavidin Platforms in the Presence of Nanomaterials”.
M. Mir, P.J. Cameron, X. Zhong, O. Azzaroni, M. Álvarez, W. Knoll.
Talanta, 78 (2009) 1102-1106.
“Single Conical Nanochannels Displaying pH-Tunable Rectifying Characteristics. Manipulating Ionic Transport with Zwitterionic Polymer Brushes”.
B. Yameen, M. Ali, R. Neumann, W. Ensinger, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131 (2009) 2070-2071.
“Photoresponsive Polymer Brushes for Hydrophilic Patterning”.
A.A. Brown, O. Azzaroni, W.T.S. Huck.
Langmuir, 25 (2009) 1744-1749.
“Biosensing and Supramolecular Bioconjugation in Single Conical Polymer Nanochannels. Facile Incorporation of Biorecognition Elements into Nanoconfined Geometries”
M. Ali, B. Yameen, R. Neumann, W. Ensinger, W. Knoll, O. Azzaroni.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130 (2008) 16351-16358.
“Comparison of Different Supramolecular Architectures for Oligonucleotide Biosensing”.
M. Mir, M. Álvarez, O. Azzaroni, W. Knoll.
Langmuir, 24 (2008) 13001-13006.
“Tuning the Unidirectional Electron Transfer at Interfaces with Multilayered Redox-Active Supramolecular Bionanoassemblies”.
O. Azzaroni, M. Álvarez. A.I. Abou-Kandil, B. Yameen, W. Knoll.
Advanced Functional Materials, 18 (2008) 3487-3496.
“Redox Mediation and Electron Transfer through Supramolecular Arrays of Ferrocene-Labeled Streptavidin on Biotinylated Gold Electrodes”.
O. Azzaroni, M. Mir, M. Álvarez. B. Yameen, W. Knoll.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112 (2008) 15850-15859.
“Effect of the Electrostatic Microenvironment on the Observed Oxidation-Reduction Potential of Electroactive Supramolecular Bioconjugates”.
O. Azzaroni, B. Yameen, W. Knoll.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 10 (2008) 7031-7038.
“Facile Large-Scale Fabrication of Proton Conducting Channels”.
B. Yameen, A. Kaltbeitzel, A. Langner, H. Duran, F. Müller, U. Gösele, O. Azzaroni, W. Knoll.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130 (2008) 13140-13144.
“Molecular Architectures for Electrocatalytic Amplification of Oligonucleotide Hybridization”.
M. Mir. M. Álvarez, O. Azzaroni, L. Tiefenauer, W. Knoll.
Analytical Chemistry, 80 (2008) 6554-6559.
“Thickness-Dependent Properties of Polyzwitterionic Brushes”.
N. Cheng, A.A. Brown, O. Azzaroni, W.T.S. Huck.
Macromolecules, 41 (2008) 6317-6321.
“Electrochemical Rectification by Redox-Labeled Bioconjugates: Molecular Building Blocks for the Construction of Biodiodes”.
O. Azzaroni, M. Mir, M. Álvarez, L. Tiefenauer, W. Knoll.
Langmuir 24 (2008) 2878-2883.
“Nano/Microstructuring of Ceramic Surfaces by Unconventional Lithographic Techniques”.
R.C. Salvarezza, O. Azzaroni.
“Nanofabrication: Fundamentals and Applications” editado por Ampere Tseng (World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2008). Cap. 14, pp. 475–501. ISBN: 981-270-076-5
“Effect of Ag Adatoms on High-Coverage Alkanethiolate Adsorption on Au(111)”.
M.H. Fonticelli, G. Benítez, P. Carro, O. Azzaroni, R.C. Salvarezza, S. Gonzalez, D. Torres, F. Illas
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 112 (2008) 4557-4563.
“Supramolecular Architectures of Streptavidin onto Biotinylated Self-Assembled Monolayers. Tracking Biomolecular Reorganization After Bioconjugation”.
O. Azzaroni, M. Mir, W. Knoll.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (2007) 13499-13503.
“Electrochemical Characteristics of Polyelectrolyte Brushes with Electroactve Counterions”.
Choi, E.-Y., O. Azzaroni, N. Cheng, F. Zhou, Y. Kelby, W.T.S. Huck.
Langmuir 23 (2007) 10389-10394.
“Explanation for the Apparent Absence of Collapse of Polyelectrolyte Brushes in the Presence of Bulky Ions”.
S.E. Moya, O. Azzaroni, T. Kelby, E. Donath, W.T.S. Huck.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 111 (2007) 7043-7040.
“Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Inside Polyelectrolyte Brushes”.
O. Azzaroni, A.A. Brown, N. Cheng, A. Wei, A.M. Jonas, W.T.S. Huck.
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 17 (2007) 3433-3439.
“Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(3¬-Sulfopropylmethacrylate) Brushes for Potential Antibacterial Applications”.
M. Ramdstedt, N. Cheng, O. Azzaroni, D. Mosalios, H.J. Mathieu, W.T.S. Huck.
Langmuir, 23 (2007) 3314–3321.
“Tunable Wettability by Clicking Counterions Into Polyelectrolyte Brushes”
O. Azzaroni, A.A. Brown, W.T.S. Huck.
Advanced Materials, 19 (2007) 151– 154.
“Mechanically–Induced Generation of Counterions Inside Surface–Grafted Charged Macromolecular Films: Towards Enhanced Mechanotransduction in Artificial Systems”.
O. Azzaroni, B. Trappmann, P. van Rijn, F. Zhou, B. Kong, W.T.S. Huck.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 45 (2006) 7440–7443
“The Effect of Cu(I)/Cu(II) Ratio on the Kinetics and Conformation of Polyelectrolyte Brushes Grown by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization”.
N. Cheng, O. Azzaroni, S.E. Moya, W.T.S. Huck.
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 27 (2006) 1632–1636.
“Polyelectrolyte Brushes as Efficient Ultrathin Platforms for Copper Electroless Deposition”.
O. Azzaroni, Z. Zheng, Z. Yang and W.T.S. Huck.
Langmuir 22 (2006) 6730–6733.
“Silver Electrodeposition on Nanostructured Gold Surfaces: From Nanodots to Nanoripples”.
C. dos Santos Claro, M. Fonticelli, G. Benítez, O. Azzaroni, P.L. Schilardi, E. Leiva, R.C. Salvarezza.
Nanotechnology, 17 (2006) 3428–3435.
“Topography Printing to Locally Control Wettability”.
Z. Zheng, O. Azzaroni, F. Zhou, W.T.S. Huck.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128 (2006) 7730–7731.
“Polyelectrolyte Brushes as Ink Nanoreservoirs for Microcontact Printing of Ionic Species with PDMS Stamps”.
O. Azzaroni, S.E. Moya, A.A. Brown, Z. Zheng, E. Donath, W.T.S. Huck.
Advanced Functional Materials, 16 (2006) 1037–1042.
“UCST Wetting Transitions of Polyzwitterionic Brushes Driven by Self-Association”.
O. Azzaroni, A.A. Brown, W.T.S. Huck.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 45 (2006) 1770–1774.
“Transfer Printing Water–Soluble Inorganic Salts”.
Z. Zheng, O. Azzaroni, M.E. Vickers, W.T.S. Huck.
Advanced Functional Materials, 16 (2006) 805–811.
“Metal Electrodeposition on Self–Assembled Monolayers: New Insights in Micro– and Nanofabrication”.
P.L.Schilardi, P. Dip, P.C. Dos Santos Claro, G.A. Benítez, M.H. Fonticelli, O. Azzaroni, R.C. Salvarezza.
Chemistry – A European Journal, 12 (2006) 38–49.

“Switching the Properties of Polyelectrolyte Brushes via Hydrophobic Collapse”.
O. Azzaroni, S. Moya T. Farhan, A.A. Brown, W.T.S. Huck.
Macromolecules, 38 (2005) 10192–10199.
“Surface–Relief Micropatterning of Zinc Oxide Substrates by Micromolding Pulsed–Laser–Deposited Film”.
O. Azzaroni, P.L. Schilardi, R.C. Salvarezza, J. Manuel–Herrero, C. Zaldo, L. Vazquez.
Applied Physics A, 81 (2005) 1113–1116
“Following Polymer Brush Growth Using the Quartz Crystal Microbalance Technique”.
S. Moya, A.A. Brown, O. Azzaroni, W.T.S. Huck.
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 26 (2005) 1117–1121.
“Locking and Unlocking of Polymer Brushes: Towards the Fabrication of Nanoactuators”.
S. Moya, O. Azzaroni, T. Farhan, V. Osborne, W.T.S. Huck.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 44 (2005) 4578–4581.
“Pattern-Preserving Deposition: Experiments and Modelling” .
M.F. Castez, M. Fonticelli, O. Azzaroni, R.C. Salvarezza, H.G. Solari.
Applied Physics Letters, 87 (2005) 123104–1/3
“AFM Study of Cationically Charged Polymer Brushes: Switching Between Soft and Hard Matter”.
T. Farhan, O. Azzaroni, W.T.S. Huck.
Soft Matter, 1 (2005) 66.